Roughly quadrangular, the chiasma presents many morphological variations.\nThe optical chiasm, odd and symmetrical structure of the optical pathways, is\na required passage of the axons of neurons for the visual pathways. Any modification\nof its morphology evokes a pathological process, generally tumoral.\nThe quality of MRI images rivals that of anatomical slices. So the MRI is essential\nfor the study of the chiasma. The aim of this work was to study the\nmorphometry of the optic chiasm in patients addressed for cerebral MRI to\nthe imaging department of the university hospital of the POINT-G, during\nthe period from July 29, to November 30, 2016. All patients who had a normal\nexamination of the optic chiasma, numbering 15, were included in this\nstudy. In 86.66% of cases the chiasma had a quadrilateral form. Its average\nlength was 8.73 mm and its average width was 13 mm. The average thickness\nwas 4.13 mm.